Loti 2 Enter your text here Please read the following descriptions and choose the one description that best describes the technology integration in your classroom. I know the importance of computers and related technologies and have some basic skills but do not think I have sufficient expertise to use technology without assistance. I primarily use text-based materials and instruction to support teacher-directed activities. I rarely require the use of technology to complete assignments. I know the basics of many software packages and can select the appropriate one for a specific task. I primarily use technology for word-processing, presentation, and Internet research. My students use a word processor or other basic software packages occasionally to complete assignments. I can use more than one software package in the creation of a single product. I integrate new technologies into classroom practices and regularly use technology in preparation, instruction and evaluation. My students use a variety of software programs regularly in the construction of curriculum based products. I understand the usefulness of technology and use a variety of technologies to solve specific problems in ways I have not seen others try. My students use computers and other related technology equipment frequently in curriculum based projects by analyzing resources and creating new knowledge. I share my knowledge of computers and related technologies through modeling, peer coaching and mentoring. I encourage students to experiment with different software and technologies.Please read the following set of descriptions related to adoption of technology. Choose the one description that best describes where you are in the adoption of technology. I am aware that technology exists but have not used it - perhaps I'm even avoiding it. I am anxious about the prospect of using computers I am currently trying to learn the basics. I am sometimes frustrated using computers. I lack confidence when using computers. I am beginning to understand the process of using technology and can think of specific tasks in which it might be useful. I am gaining a sense of confidence in using the computer for specific tasks. I am starting to feel comfortable using the computer. I think about the computer as a tool to help me and am no longer concerned about it as technology. I can use it in many applications and as an instructional aid.