Coll prac 2


Collaborative Learning Practice pg. 2


First… Think about what lesson you will be teaching in the next couple of weeks, one that you enjoy teaching and that you would like to integrate with technology using collaborative learning.
[Click here to see the WELES Comparison Rubric]

    • What are the subject matter and objectives of the lesson?


    • What standards are being covered in the lesson?


    • With what resources did you (or will you) engage your students?


    • In what part of your lesson did you engage your students with these resources and the subject matter?


    • What technology resources have you used for this lesson?


  • What would you like to do differently to engage the students with the subject matter through technology, in collaborative learning tasks?

Second… Review the results you received from the self-assessment on the level of your technology integration. (Complete the self-assessment now if you have not done so previously)…and the Collaborative Learning self-assessment.


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