Intro 3


Introduction pg. 3

The modules use the Web-Enhanced Learning Environment Strategies (WELES) technology integration model and reflection tool introduced in Technology Integration 101 as a framework to help you think about the best uses for computer clustering technology in your classroom. Although WELES focuses on, and provides examples using, web resources, any digital technology and software may be substituted into this model.

The modules are short and flexible, and designed to actively engage you in thinking about technology resources as part of your everyday classroom practices, planning to use technology in your lessons, practicing with technology resources, and evaluating your progress in developing your technology integration practices.

Your role is to think about when, where, and how technologies can be best used to help your students learn. There is no right answer, and technology is simply a tool. However, technology is a set of complex tools and will require time to figure out the best uses given your preferences, resources, curriculum, students, and support. Technology is also a powerful tool that can successfully aid in teaching and learning. Start small and develop your practices as you and your students gain competencies and comfort.

These professional development materials are being designed specifically for those educators who use computer clusters in their classrooms or in a school library or computer lab. In the next section we will review computer clusters.


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