Technology Integration 101 – The WELES Model – Web Resources – the “What”


resources The lower portion of the reflection tool outlines two major web resources–information links through sites and human resource (other people) links through networks. The sites and networks are both composed of several elements appropriate for enhancing lesson activities.


Site Elements are the raw material from which lessons can be created. These web resources can be used to present information in a lesson.


Network Elements are those capabilities of the web that facilitate communication. In other words, these are the types of resources that connect people electronically to enable shared interactions.

Most sites are a combination of site and network elements.


These Organized Sites are resources developed with a specific purpose in mind, such as to provide entertainment, present current events, share stories, provide instruction, or encourage hands-on activities. These sites connect students to both information and other people.

Let’s look at how we bring these components all together




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