Collaborative Learning Tutorial
Plan for each stage of group work. When you are outlining your curriculum for the year, decide which topics, themes, or projects might lend themselves to collaborative work. Think about how you will organize students into groups, help groups negotiate among themselves, provide feedback to the groups, and evaluate the products of group work.
Carefully explain to your class how the groups will operate and how students will be graded. Explain the objectives of the task and define any relevant concepts. In addition to a well-defined task, every group needs a way of getting started, a way of knowing when its task is done, and some guidance about the participation of members. Also explain how students will be graded. Keep in mind that group work is more successful when students are graded against a set standard than when they are graded against each other (on a curve).
Give students the skills they need to succeed in groups. Many students have never worked in collaborative learning groups and may need practice in such skills as active and tolerant listening, helping one another in mastering content, giving and receiving constructive criticism, and managing disagreements. Discuss these skills with your students and model and reinforce them during class.
Now let’s examine some ideas to facilitate the design of a collaborative learning activity.