Active prac 3


Active Learning Practice pg.3


Third... Write or revise your lesson plan to integrate technology using collaborative learning into one part of the lesson based on the level of technology you have achieved. On the following page we will guide you through this.


    1. Write your lesson using the WELES lesson planner [click here] or use a format of your own choosing.
        • Please include details (e.g., who is using the technology, what is the technology, how does it relate to the learning objectives, etc.) that will help others understand what you are proposing to do with the technology (either your self or your students) during the lesson.


        • You may want to include a brief description of the logistics for using the technology resources as well. This may include how you will group students for collaborative work, what additional resources (e.g., handouts) you will use to support students while they are using the technology, logistics for scheduling technology labs if you are planning to go outside of your classroom, etc.



    1. Identify (search for if necessary) and document the specific technology resources you plan to use during the lesson.


    1. Once you have drafted your lesson plan, share and discuss your lesson plan with a colleague. Topics for the discussion may include:
        • Rationale for the technology resources given the learning activities and objectives


        • Monitoring and facilitating students during learning activities


        • Logistics for using the technology


        • Contingency planning (e.g., if technology malfunctions, if students have difficulties)



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