Technology Integration 101 – Beliefs about Teaching and the Use of Technology Resources


The following four beliefs and assumptions are important in understanding the relationship between methods of teaching and integration of technology resources.


The first belief is that by taking a broad perspective of the internet and the types of resources it contains, the model can be more useful to educators.


The second belief is that internet resources should be used to enhance lessons more often than as a public space for publishing home pages or educator developed lessons.


The third belief and assumption is that educators are already teaching using contemporary and effective methods of teaching in a manner that engages learners with as many resources as they can gather together, but are challenged by the latter.


Fourth, and finally, we believe that internet and technology-based resources can be useful for one or more lesson strategies, or for the lesson as a whole. Technology resources should empower educators to re-purpose websites or elements to meet their everyday needs, rather than have educators re-purpose their own lessons to conform to the web.

In the next section we will look at how these beliefs inform our pedagogy.




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