Technology Integration 101 – The WELES Model Components


…bringing together teaching methods with resources to facilitate learning.

At the center, the inner circle, of the WELES model is a representation of how lessons are conducted (methods of teaching / pedagogy to facilitate learning) and how web or technology resources can be used to support each component of a lesson. For example, lessons generally begin with some type of framing (e.g., anticipatory set, motivational introduction), continue with a combination of providing content to learning and opportunities for them to engage with content (inform and explore), and generally end with some sort of practice or test of learner comprehension of new content (try). Different teaching and learning methods as well as a variety of resources (e.g., pictures, text, models, tools) are often used in each component of the lesson.

Now that you are familiar with the model and the various components let’s take a deeper look at the components that make up the model. We will start with how you teach – your Methods of Teaching – then move on to the resources that you use – finishing with the lesson components.



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