MOT Present

Technology Integration 101 – Present Method Of Teaching …


is a lecture, presentation or telling teaching strategy where the teacher provides information to the learners. The teacher is in control of presenting the subject matter and directs the learners through the lesson, activity, or practice session. During this type of instruction, for example the teacher may present a rule with an example and then provide practice on the new content. The teacher focuses the learners’ attention on the key points of the subject and may use graphics, diagrams, or other representations to elaborate on the subject.Definition / Attributes: Present Method of Teaching

This is a teaching strategy where the teacher presents learners with the subject matter rules and provides examples that illustrate the rules. Examples used may include pictorial relationships, application of the subject’s rules, context through historical information, and prerequisite information. Examples are provided to give contextual elaboration and to help learners see the subject matter from many different perspectives.




How can the technology-based support . . . Present Method of Teaching?

Site elements can be used to show students specific sites that support subject area, including pictures, diagrams, animations, video clips, or audio clips.

– Students can be sent to specific (predetermined) site elements and organized sites to research subject matter.

Network elements can be used to bring guest speakers in to explain a specific topic.


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