Introduction to Computer Clustering pg. 4
In the situation of groups of learners working together with multiple computers, the learners may be exploring and sharing computer-based information, activities, and resources among all the participants. Here are some ideas for engaging learners in multiple group collaborative activities:
- each team a different theme on the same subject matter (e.g., environmental issue, country characteristics, parts of grammar). Direct each team to create a summary of the theme by identifying example graphics or pictures, or finding a defining website for their theme. Ask each team to prepare to display their findings. Debrief the class on the richness of the subject matter across all themes, or have the teams debate their perspective of the subject area based on their theme or have each team explore the theme resources identified by another team.
- teams in some type of scavenger hunt for resources on the internet to support a project. When one team finds a good resource they may be directed to share that resource (online) with the other teams. This assumes that computer screen sharing software is available in the clusters.
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