Intro Clus 1


Introduction to Computer Clustering

Intro_Clustering_clip_image002These professional development materials are designed specifically for educators who use computer clusters in their classrooms or in a school library or computer lab. However, the concepts presented are not limited to computer clusters and can be very beneficial for those with access to any type of technology configuration.

Computer clustering technology simply refers to a group of 2 to 5 computers that are configured and networked together in small pods. Often the computers are running from one central processing unit (1 computer with up to 5 monitors, keyboards, mice, headphones), however each operates as an individual computer. Each computer in the pod allows the students to work independently (1:1 learner to computer); collaboratively (two or more learners per computer); or among multiple groups (multiple groups of learners in the class working together). Each of these configurations and activities can be powerful learning experiences for the individual learners and the class as a whole.

Let’s take a look at some ideas of how you can incorporate these configurations in your classroom.

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